Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yin and Yang

Yin Yang

The best philosophy ever. There's a complementary opposite to everything in life.

Whenever there's pain, there's a tiny dot of pleasure in it. When there's joy, there's a little bit of suffering in it. Happiness grows, and when it reaches its maximum, dissatisfaction begins. And the dissatisfaction grows, reaching maximum where it turns back into happiness. It's the circle of life. (Stop thinking about lion cubs.)

Many people I know are unhappy. And they try to be happy by trying to get rid of the unhappiness. Fools. That's not how happiness is found. Happiness is found inside the unhappiness. There's a little bit of happiness in misery, and in order to be able to see it, you have to embrace the misery and let it grow. Feel miserable. As the misery grows, so will the little seed of happiness inside it. And eventually the seed will become full-blown happiness with misery inside of it. And as happiness grows, of course the misery seed will grow too. It's a circle, like I said. It never ends.

I know yin and yang are supposed to be two fishes or tadpoles forming a circle, but I don't have the brush skills to paint circles or curvy lines on my nails. Thus, I drew almost straight lines. It still works, don't you think?

Bonus! Look what I got in the mail today. 

Rhinestones! I'm going to do awesome things with them. Anticipate! :D

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